Apr 18, 2024

KWCUSA's final call for karaoke contestants 2004

Published Apr 30, 2004

Three last chances exist for America’s singers thanks to:
Shelly’s Starzz opening her regional finals May 1 1:00pm in the Ogden City Amphetheater in Ogden Utah to ALL singers. Steve Pennington in Alabama (205) 798-5361 Cell (205) 541-3817 and Scott Hendricks of Missouri (573) 814-3949. Their web sites may be found through KWCUSA’s site: kwcusa.com.

America\’s karaoke singers are gaining on their goal of participating in the Karaoke World Championships through the last minute efforts of a few of KWCUSA Regional Finals Hosts who are each holding an OPEN invitation event for their (five state) regions.

These single day events, open to any (non-professional) singer 21 or older, will determine which finalists advance to USA finals in Lacey WA on May 28, and the number of singers entering, will determine if America is represented at KWC in July 2004 ...or must wait another year.

KWCUSA is supported by the singers with half of the $20 entry fee going to a ’prize fund’ intended for travel and food and lodging of America’s karaoke team. (Awarded as cash for male and female first place finalists if less than required for the trip.)

This grass roots effort started in Heinola by the Hujanans had spread first to the United States, but now seventeen other countries covering the globe including the reluctant Japan are participating, ...or trying too.

Hosts and venues across the nation are encouraged to freely participate in hosting events to ensure future representation.

USA tournaments begin in August after the world finals, and every host is master of their own shows. Venues large and small are networking together thanks in part to the enthusiasm of USA’s National Finals Hostess Miss Marcella and her campaign to reach them personally one at a time and patiently explain details and work out individual problems.

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